A Little Programming

I use Visual Studio here at work.  One of the projects I'm working on right now is done completely in C#, which is an easy language for me to work in.  I minored in Computer Science at BSU, and most of the classes they teach there are in Java, especially the lower-division classes.  This works out well because Java lets you focus on all the theoretical/academic features of computing without really having to worry about the technical details of a language.  Data structures, algorithms, they go down real easy with Java.

I'm also working on a project that's written in C++.  This is a little more difficult for me because I hadn't done any C++ coding before starting on this project.

That's right, not one line.

It's kind of a jarring transition from user-friendly, object-centric Java to power-user, uber-language C++.  I had done some embedded C programming, which helps with some of the very basics, but that did nothing to prepare me for Windows Application programming in C++.

Message pumps?  Thread safety?  Templates?

I have a coworker who asked me (in reference to another coworker) the following:

"Don't they teach threading in school?  I don't think (this other guy) understands what that means."

My reply was that they don't teach it, at least not in the classes I took.  Granted, my CS education is nothing near comprehensive.  I don't know what goes on in such lofty classes as Operating Systems or Theory of Computation.  My experience is limited to the practical, EE-centered subjects of Computer Architecture and Microprocessors.  Much more hardware-oriented than the CS subjects, but that gives me a good understanding of what actually happens in a device.  This is especially important when programming for a microcontroller, where resources are limited.

So I struggle with C++.  C#, no problem, I look forward to future C# projects.  I've got my C++ Bible, The C++ Programming Language by Stroustrup, and I read it daily.  I'm sure my skills will improve as I continue to learn and use C++ more.

Anyway, I use Visual Studio 2008.  Here's my setup.  I've found that I like light text on a dark background.  I use the Ragnarok Blue color scheme from this page.  It's easier on the eyes, but I found I had to make the font size smaller.


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