I Work Saturdays...


Suzanne and I have this thing going where she works every other Friday.  I take the Fridays off when she works so I can watch the boys while she's gone.  Then I go in to work the next day (Saturday) to make up for it.  That way she can work to keep herself involved in her career and I don't have to take all my vacation time to make up for it (or pay for some sort of day-care service).

It's important to me that Suzanne can work.  She's a physical therapist and needs to be involved in order to stay current in her field.  As committed as we are that she should be a stay-at-home mom and I will be the supporter, I don't want to deny her the enjoyment of exercising the knowledge and skills she has acquired.

At any rate, I don't mind working Saturdays.  It's actually quite nice!  Some of the perks:

  1. No rush to get in for meetings or anything (although I'm usually here before 8:00 anyway).
  2. No-traffic commuting.
  3. Not may people at the office to bother/distract me (I get a lot done).

The only con I have found so far is that I have one less day to spend with Suzanne and the boys together.  Well, really it's one less day with Suzanne since I get to be with the boys all day Friday.

And it's hard to be at work on a Saturday when it looks really nice outside (sigh).

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