Getting back on the Wagon

So, I have let a lot of things slip lately.  In the quest to “Get Back On Track” and “Be The Best I Can Be” and <insert other cliché here>, I’m back to writing this blog.

One of the other things I am doing is focusing on improving my physical shape (I like to call it Cam 2.0).  Technically, this started at New Year’s Day, but today is the first time I have been back to the gym in quite some time (months).  I took it pretty easy, 20 minutes on the bike for some cardio and warm-up, and then some easy weight lifting.  I really had to work to keep myself from going overboard, I want to do my max every time I pick up the weights.

This week I will take it pretty easy and try to help my body remember what it’s like to go to the gym.  Next week I’ll start the more intense lifting.  My goal: 200 lbs. by June 1.

I had better get back to work.  That’s another thing I’m working on, my focus, which leaves me less time to screw around (that’s a good thing).

And this lunch that my wife made for me is dang good.  Thanks Babes!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Good start today! Keep going. You can lose while I gain. Then you can help me lose :)