I have gotten lax in my cleaning routine on my PC. Take a look at my downloads folder:
I’ve got multiple versions of installers in there, old stuff that I don’t use and need to archive, just a general mess. My downloads folder ends up looking like the area under my bed when I was a kid. I would take a book to bed and read it, and then it would get pushed under the bed by the next book that I brought along. After a few weeks (or months) I would notice that I was missing a book I wanted to read and I would need to clean out the literary mulch pile that I had been working on.
The same thing happens with my Downloads folder. Part of this I attribute to the default behavior of Firefox, which always saves files to a default location. IE at least gives you a button marked “save as” for saving in a non-default location. So with FF3 I download something, open it from the downloads window in FF, and forget that it even existed. 133 Items, what are they?
Unfortunately the same thing pretty much happens to my email inbox. This in only a couple of weeks of detritus, and I delete most irrelevant stuff.
So, for the rest of the day, I will not rest until my inbox and downloads folder are clean! Can I do it in under two hours (so I can get home on time)? I’ll post an update on Twitter so you can find out.
[edit] – I found the setting in FF that prompts for a saving location when you download something. Looks like i just needed a little RTFM medicine!